Sunday, May 31, 2009

China Sudden Airlines 中国突然航空公司

This is a true account of what was heard on a recent flight from Shenzhen to Qingtao operated by China Southern Airlines.

Read the inflight announcement below. It is hilarious.

"Good afternoon ladies and the German. This is your cheap purser, Wang Lui speaking. On behalf of China Sudden Airlines, i would like to welcome you onboard our Bowling 737 from Shenzhen to Qingtao. Members of my crew speak Chinese and other languages that you do not know. It is a great pressure serving you to-die. Should you need any resistance during the fright, peace do pest the call button. I and my gals are available to make you feel comfortable. Meanwhile, the airkwaft is going to fry. Peace sit upright and keep your belt tightly fastened until dinner is served at five dirty p.m. Hope you enjoy your fright with us. Tank kill."

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why You Should Avoid China Airlines at All Cost

First of all, you must not confuse China Airlines with Air China as these two airlines are distinctively different corporate entities. China Airlines is the flag carrier of "Republic of China" (more commonly referred as Taiwan) while Air China is the flag carrier of "People's Republic of China" (more commonly referred simply as China or Mainland China).

Some shorts facts of the said airlines :

Country : Republic of China - Taiwan
Headquarters : Taipei, Taiwan
Hub : Taipei Taoyuan International Airport 
Founded : 1959
Chinese Registered Name : 中華航空公司  (中华航空公司)
Short Name : 華航  (华航)
Flight Code : CI
Contact Tower Callsign/Air Traffic Controller Callsign : Dynasty (flight number)

Country : People's Republic of China - China or Mainland China
Headquaters : Beijing, China
Hub : Beijing Capital International Airport
Founded : 1988
Chinese Registered Name : 中国国际航空公司  (中國國際航空公司)
Short Name : 囯航  (國航)
Flight Code : CA
Contact Tower Callsign/Air Traffic Controller Callsign : China (flight number)

Okay, back to the topic. Why did i ask you to avoid China Airlines in the first place ? Because it has one of the worst safety records in the world and many of its accidents are actually human error related. See below -

12/8/70 - CI206
~ Struck a ridge while landing at Taipei
~ 14 killed

20/12/71 - CI825
~ Blew up after a bomb on it exploded
~ 25 killed

19/2/1985 - CI006
~ Near crash, substantial damage to the aircraft
~ All survived

16/2/1986 - CI2265
~ Crashed in Makung, Penghu
~ 13 killed

26/10/1989 - CI(not available)
~ Crashed shortly after take-off in Hualian
~ 54 killed

29/12/91 - CI358
~ Cargo flight
~ 5 crew members killed

4/11/93 - CI605
~ Overran the old Hong Kong airport (Kai Tak) while landing during a typhoon
~ Aircraft was written off
~ All 396 passengers and crew survived
26/4/94 - CI140
~ Crashed while landing at Nagoya, Japan
~ 264 killed

16/2/98 - CI676
~ Crashed after a missed-approach at Taipei
~ 205 killed

22/8/99 - CI642
~ Flipped over while landing at Hong Kong Airport (Chek Lap Kok) during typhoon
~ 3 killed

25/5/02 - CI611
~ Aircraft suddenly broke up in mid-air while flying 35000ft above sea level on the way to Hong Kong from Taipei
~ Aircraft broke into several pieces mid-air, no chance of declaring mayday
~ All 225 onboard killed
~ Only 175 of those onboard were recovered and identified, the rest was never found.

20/8/07 - CI820
~ Caught fire shortly after landing at Okinawa, Japan.
~ All 165 passengers and crew survived

CI611 was the most high profile crash in China Airlines history. Below is the seat map of CI611 to Hong Kong from Taipei. White represents empty seats, yellow for those victims whose remains were never recovered, red for those victims whose bodies were recovered, dark gray is galley area (kitchen) and baby blue for lavatories (toilet).

Another must avoid airlines would be Korean Air but that's a different story. Basically our national airlines - Malaysia Airlines is very safe. It doesn't have any major air accident besides the crash in Tawau that killed 34 people in 1995 and also the plane that was hijacked in 1977 enroute to Singapore with all 100 onboard killed.

Friday, May 29, 2009


突 然 兴 致 起 来,想 写 些 华 文。华 人 嘛,总 不 能 只 写 英 文,把 华 文 给 忘 了。所 以 要 借 此 机 会,好 好 地 锻 炼 我 的 华 文 文 笔。有 好 一 段 时 间 没 写 华 文 了,如 果 某 些 字 写 错 了, 或 者 是 句 子 有 语 病 的 话,请 各 位 多 多 地 包 涵。

曾 经 有 个 非 常 要 好 的 朋 友,是 位 认 识 了 十 多 年 的 好 友。从 小 就 读 同 一 所 小 学,然 后一 起 报 读 同 一 间 中 学,一 起 毕 业 了 三 次。

当 年 认 识 时,大 家 的 个 性 大 有 不 同。他 这 个 人 其 实 真 的 还 蛮 机 车 的,怕 输,什 么 都 要 第 一。那 当 然 他 也 有 优 点 的 啦!譬 如 说,他 成 绩 很 好 啊,非 常 有 上 进 心 (以 前 啦)。如 果 不 是 我 们 班 上 书 虫 多 的 是,我 想 模 范 生 这 个 名 份 非 他 莫 属 啦!像 是 家 怡 (Tan Keh Yee)丽 敏 (Wong Li Ming)爱 莉 (Caroline Teoh Ai Li)君 (Wong Su Kiun)。他 们 都 是 品 学 兼 优 的 学 生。要 把 模 范 生 颁 给 我 们 男 生? 门 儿 都 没 呢!

倒 是 我 嘛,我 则 是 个 上 课 时 不 专 心,好 玩 的 小 学 生。当 年 的 老 师,麦 采 莲 女 士,还 经常 向 我 妈 抱 怨 我 的 不 是。但 是 还 好 功 课 总 算 不 错。什 么 办 法 啦?我 爸 可 是 美 国 留 学生,加 上 我 是 独 生 子 嘛,父 母 对 我 的 要 求 特 别 高。要 是 我 被 赶 出 辛 班,那 还 可 得 了啊?接 下 来 的 一 年 肯 定 没 日 子 好 过。看? 你 们 都 错 了 吧? 每 一 个 人 都 以 为 我 们 这些 独 生 子 生 活 无 忧 无 虑,要 风 得 风,要 雨 得 雨。实 际 上 我 们 的 生 活 比 一 般 的 孩 子 更有 压 力。当 然 这 也 不 可 怪 我 老 爸 老 妈 啦。毕 竟 只 有 一 个 孩 子 的 家 庭,就 有 如 那 些 没买 保 险 的 人。爸 妈 把 一 却 的 希 望 都 寄 托 在 我 们 这 些 独 生 子 身 上,其 实 都 希 望 将 来 他 们 不 在 我 们 身 边,生 活 能 好 过 些。

话 说 回 来,当 初 认 识 这 位 好 友,还 真 的 要 好 好 地 谢 谢 麦 老 师。麦 老 师 是 我 们 亚 庇 中 华 小 学  1996 年 二 年 级辛 班 的 级 任 老 师。如 果 不 是 她 安 排 我 跟这 个 怪 咖 班 上 坐 在 一 起,我 想 我 们 这 辈 子 也 不 可 能 做 朋 友 了。毕 竟 我 们 当 年 的 性 格 差 别 也 太 大 了 吧!

原 定 要 一 起 报 读 同 一 间 大 学,怎 知 道 我 俩 都 考 不 上 大 学。真 的 辜 负 了 我 们 父 母,小学 的 老 师 对 我 们 的 期 望。我 想 如 果 刘 老 师 和 邹 副 校 长 知 道 这 件 事,肯 定 感 的 很 惊讶。我 们 怎 么 会 沦 落 到 这 么 落 魄 的 地 步 呀?问 题 出 现 在 哪 啊?(我 们 下 次 再 谈 这 个问 题)

就 说 有 朝 一 日,我 们 终 于 考 上 大 学。我 们 是 不 可 能 就 读 同 一 所 大 学 了。怎 么 说 呢?因 为 我 们 都 变 了。思 想 不 同 了,目 标 也 不 同 了。加 上 他 这 个 人 说 话 出 尔 反 尔,谎 话 一 大 堆。没 本 钱 就 别 学 人 家 追 女 子,背 下 一 屁 股 债。没 那 么 大 的 头 就 别 戴 那 么 大 的 帽 子 嘛 !天 天 买 不 三 不 四 的 东 西 送 给 人 家。人 家 都 不 领 情 啦。怎 么 拿 得 起 却 放 不 下? 还 是 个 男 人 吗? 真 失 败!一 点 男 人 气 概 都 没 有。简 直 就 是 个 笑 话 嘛!我 真 的 没 办 法 再 去 相 信 他,和 他 做 朋 友。

曾 经 讨 厌,生 气 他。他 的 人 品 怎 么 可 以 变 得 那 么 差 劲 啊?但 是 今 世 能 做 朋 友,也 算是 个 缘 分。毕 竟 大 家 曾 经 一 起 努 力 过,有 个 共 同 的 目 标,快 乐 的 童 年,一 起 向 老 师 打 小 报 告。虽 然 否 绝 了 他 这 个 数 十 年 的 好 朋 友,但 是 现 在 气 消 了,没 恨 也 不 再 讨 厌他。如 果 是 说 做 回 朋 友 的 话 那 就 免 了。因 为 我 这 个 人 就 是 那 么 的 固 执,做 了 的 决 定 是 不 会 改 的。也 不 会 质 疑 当 初 所 做 的 决 定 是 对 是 错。做 人 要 潇 洒 点 嘛。不 要 拖 拖 拉拉的。 最 重 要 是 没 遗 憾。老 实 说 真 的 没 遗 憾 呢!反 而 觉 得 我 非 常 的 幸 运。能 从 一 个一 认 识 就 成 为 好 朋 友 的 人,而 且 这 个 友 情 也 保 持 超 过 十 年 了。度 过 了 不 少 风 风 雨雨。总 算 有 个 美 好 的 回 忆。那 是 多 么 的 难 得 呀? 所 谓 不 在 乎 天 长 地 久,只 在 乎 曾 经拥 有。单 看 我 身 边 的 朋 友,有 多 少 个 人 拥 有 过 这 样 的 友 谊 啊? 几 乎 就 没 嘛!

原 本 是 想 在 这 儿 放 个 我 们 求 学 时 的 照 片,但 可 惜 呀!去 年 搬 家 时 几 乎 把 全 部 小 学 中学 的 照 片 都 给 扔 了。但 是 我 想 你 们 都 知 道 我 说 的 人 是 谁 吧?

~~~~嘉 成~~~~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bone Marrow

I had my first bone marrow test today seven years ago at UMSC (University Malaya Specialist Centre). UMSC is the private section of UMMC (University Malaya Medical Centre) and you need to pay for your own medical ward should you choose to stay in this wing. I have stayed at both UMSC and SJMC (Subang Jaya Medical Centre) twice respectively. The single room in UMSC is more expensive at RM300/night (tax not included) while SJMC is charging RM198/night (tax not included). What's worse about UMSC is that meal service is not included in the room charge while SJMC provides 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a complimentary MILO as high tea).

About the bone marrow test ... the experience was ... well, let just say that i do not want to go through the same procedure ever again. I've heard people complained about the excruciating pain when they insert the super thick needle into your hip, then to your bone to withdraw blood. But mine wasn't too bad. But still, the size of the needle alone already nearly made me fainted. Attached are some pictures i found off the web. All these actually look smaller. I'm quite sure the one they inserted into my right hip was bigger than those shown below.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stupid Kaspersky

For some reason, my Kaspersky Internet Security 8.0 is denying me access into Claiming that the site is used to steal passwords, credit card numbers among other things. 

Just in case you don't know what "cimbclicks" is, it is the ebanking portal of CIMB Bank. While i do not own any savings or checking account with CIMB Bank, i do have a credit card from CIMB Bank and since i use my credit card over the net a lot, i login to my mom's credit card account (because my mom's the principal cardholder and i'm just the supplementary) almost everyday just to make sure there isn't any unauthorized charges as well as to keep track of my spending. 

I have heard friends complaining about the same issue several days ago but the website still worked for me yesterday and now it's been blocked. I've been looking for ways to override Kaspersky but much to my dismay, it was no success. I hope it is just a false alarm from Kaspersky or i'll have to uninstall this anti-virus system, which i paid RM80 for a year service :(

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So Much for Private Banking

MAY 19  - Singapore businessman Oei Hong Leong - dubbed the 'man with the Midas touch' - lost a whopping US$1 billion (RM3.6billion) on foreign exchange and US Treasury bond transactions last year.

While he has fully paid off these losses, he is now suing Citigroup's private banking arm in the High Court for negligence and misrepresentation, legal documents seen by The Straits Times reveal.

Mr Oei claims that the bank - with which he has a 30-year relationship - repeatedly gave him an inaccurate picture of his trading exposure, causing him to take on more positions than he would have otherwise done so.

When he knew the full extent of his exposure, he felt he had no choice but to close his positions - at an extremely volatile time last October - thus suffering massive losses.

It is not clear how much of a beating Mr Oei's net worth has taken, but he was ranked Singapore's 29th richest man by Forbes last year with a net worth of only US$210 million.

Forbes bases its listing on stakes in publicly traded companies and in private company filings.

Ironically, Mr Oei has become the latest high-profile victim of the financial crisis because he was trying to reduce his exposure.

In 2007, he believed that the global economy would experience a downturn and decided to trim his trading positions, his statement of claim says.

Meanwhile, he told his private bankers that he wanted to maintain a margin surplus of about US$100 million.

This is cash placed with a bank and clients can trade up to several times that amount. If the trades run up losses, this margin has to be topped up.

Following a change of relationship manager last year, Mr Oei dealt mainly with two assistants in the private banking department, whom he would call to check on the balance on a daily basis.

Having been told that he had a comfortable margin surplus, he entered into further forex contracts between Sept 16 and Oct 6 of last year.

These were deals involving various currencies, including sterling, US dollars, euros and Japanese yen.

Mr Oei says that by carrying out US$1 billion worth of trades in this period, he was 'earning Citibank substantial sums by way of revenues or other charges'.

However, around Oct 23, Mr Oei was told that his margin surplus had been transformed into a shortfall of US$100 million. He began to trim his positions.

But he was receiving conflicting reports. On Oct 27, he was told that this margin shortfall was about USS$90 million, but, by the following day, it had ballooned to US$200 million.

On Oct 29, the shortfall had apparently shrunk to US$28 million, which bewildered Mr Oei because the market had not reversed far enough for the margin to change so dramatically.

Later on the same day, another report was sent to him, stating that the shortfall on Oct 27was actually US$348 million.

Mr Oei alleges that there was a problem in Citibank's tracking and control systems and that his positions were not being accurately updated. 

This meant that he had no way of knowing which figures were correct and which were not.

He said he felt at the time 'that there was no prudent alternative, but that he must trade on the worst view of the figures and reduce his position'.

As a result, after closing out the positions, Mr Oei was left with a loss of US$518.3 million. Together with a further shortfall, he settled all outstanding amounts on the forex positions with Citibank by early November last year.

Other than those positions, he also suffered more losses from his transactions on US Treasury 30-year bonds than he would have done, had Citibank executed his orders, he claims.

Mr Oei has not quantified the amount of his claim. He is asking for the court to assess the damages.

When contacted, Mr Oei declined to comment about the court case. But he disclosed that he had earmarked US$1 billion last year to give to worthy charitable causes.

He added that the losses of about US$1 billion which he has paid up in full, 'has of course set back my financial flexibility somewhat, but it has not dampened my ambition to set up the charitable fund and leave behind a good legacy.'

Yesterday, a Citi spokesman said: "The matter is now before the courts. It is not appropriate for us to comment further. We believe that the claim is without merit and we fully intend to defend our position vigorously." 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Malaysia Confirms Second Case of Swine Flu

Malaysian health authorities on Saturday confirmed the country's second case of swine flu in a student who recently returned from the United States.

The female patient was reportedly a friend of the country's first swine-flu case, a 21-year-old male student, and both had flown back to Malaysia on the same flight Wednesday Malaysia Airlines MH091 from New York (with a brief stop in Stockholm), Health Department deputy director general Ramlee Rahmat said.

The second patient was admitted to hospital Friday in the northern state of Penang, and blood tests confirmed Saturday that she was infected with the H1N1 virus, he said at a press conference.

Ramlee said the pair's two other friends who were on the same flight have been quarantined at home, adding that the woman's family was also under home quarantine.

The country's first victim was at a hospital in the central state of Selangor, more than 400 kilometres from Penang.

Ramlee said the man was given anti-viral drugs and his temperature has since dropped. He said the man's five family members had not shown any systoms of infection.

Despite calls by the government for all 192 passengers on the same flight as the patients to come forward immediately, only 35 have since contacted the ministry, he said.

Malaysia is the second South-East Asian country to confirm swine-flu infections after Thailand.

Friday, May 15, 2009

First Confirmed Swine Flu Case in Malaysia

Malaysia has confirmed its first case of swine flu, the country's top health official says.

"I can confirm (that it) is the first case in Malaysia," Health Ministry Director General Ismail Merican told AFP.

Merican's confirmation followed a statement from the health ministry giving details of the country's first case.

"The patient is a 21-year-old male student who had just returned from the United States on May 13, 2009 and who was down with fever, sore throat and body aches on May 14," it said.

"This is the first A(H1N1) flu case found in Malaysia," the statement added.

It said the patient went into the Sungai Buloh quarantine facility in central Selangor state on the same evening and is now in a stable condition.

It urged all passengers who travelled on the Malaysian airlines flight MH091 from Newark in the United States to Kuala Lumpur that landed at 7.15am on May 13 to contact the ministry for further instructions.

The ministry said it had so far received 11 flu-like cases for investigation with all the patients warded and isolated for monitoring.

"All these cases showed symptoms of flu and had a history of visiting countries infected with the outbreak (but) all their clinical samples had been sent to institute for medical research for lab tests and tested negative," it said.

On Tuesday, the government urged its citizens to defer travel to the US, Mexico, Canada, Spain and Britain following reported cases of swine flu in those countries.

Health authorities have installed 20 thermal scanners at the country's entry points to help detect cases with 9,324 passengers screened so far.

The latest World Health Organisation figures show the number of laboratory-confirmed swine flu cases worldwide is 6,497 in 33 countries.

A total of 65 people have died from the disease, most of them in Mexico.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Talent Exodus

Singapore seems to be a logical choice if you wish to work outside Malaysia ... Personal and commercial income tax in Singapore is also lower than malaysia and one of the lowest in the world. Read the quoted text below from "TheEdge Malaysia".

It is not just the bleak employment scenario at home that is driving Britons abroad, though. There are fears of an exodus of big-earning talent , as the UK looks set to become one of the top 10 most expensive nations taxwise, following the unveiling of tax increases for high earners in the Budget announcement recently.

High-profile businesspeople, including Sir Richard Branson, have slammed the move to raise the top income tax to 50% from the current 45% for those earning more than £150,000 a year, and to cut all personal allowances for those whose annual salary exceeds £100,000. This is seen as a disincentive to entrepreneurs, some of whom have already indicated that they could leave the UK to relocate to tax havens like Switzerland and Monaco. For those looking farther afield, Singapore's top personal income tax rate of 20% would certainly make it seem even more attractive.

In early 2008, The Daily Telegraph reported on an Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) study showing that the UK was experiencing its biggest brain drain in 50 years, as the country lost more than 10% of its most-skilled citizens. While hundreds of thousands of retired Britons live abroad, the study revealed that almost 60% of those leaving take up job overseas. According to anecdotal evidence, the most frequently cited reasons for leaving the country were high house prices, taxes, poor climate and quality of life.

Today, as the UK economy takes its worst dive in 30 years, increasing taxes and unemployment can be added to that list of reasons. Singapore will certainly have a greater pool of talent from which to pick.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bring PUKI Home

I came across this advertisement while surfing on the net just now.

"Let Shanghai Bank manage your finance. Bring PUKI home !"

Wait, that's NOT all. There even made a song with the word "PUKI". Click the video below. It's so hilarious. The whole Malaysia would laugh till the clinics run out of "Zellox".

If you have watched the video. Then you will know that the pig's name is PUKI. Since that little pig is called PUKI, so i guess we can all assume its mother has got to be called PUKIMA right ? LOL !