Monday, February 9, 2009

DUBAI : Dubai Proves Anything Is Possible With PetrolDollars (Part 1)

Dubai, the huge desert land blessed with huge oil and gas reserves have proven that anything is possible as long as you are rich in "Vitamin M" (Vitamin Money). Just less than two decades ago, Dubai basically was just like any other desert towns you can picture, just sands and some old buildings. But look at it now, it has become the economy superpower in the region and is the most happenning city in Middle-east. And most importantly, Dubai is probably the safest city in that part of the world.

The ultra rich sheikhs have some really big dreams, dreams that appear unrealistic to many but they have practically done them all. There are still many mega projects on the pipeline such as Hydropolis (the world's first underwater hotel) and over a dozen of approved 100-storey+ high-rise towers but with the world in recession, just how far this rich Emirati state can go ?

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