Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen -

Have you watched Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen ? Did you guys notice that the movie wasn't properly censored ?

As usual, some harsh words were censored out but the editor seems to left out one harsh word and the word was mentioned over and over again during the entire duration of the movie. It's either the editor has poor vocabulary command or he/she purposely left it out but i suspect the former is more likely.

The website was mentioned several times and we all could hear it loud and clear. The word "effing" was also brought up many times. Yeah, whoever has watched the movie knew that. But did you guys actually know that "effing" is the equivalent of "fucking" ? Not only the editor doesn't seem to have a clue of the meaning of "effing" but also the majority of the audience. DANG !!

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