Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Losing Your Virginity

I've long been wondering if the stories of all the American high school TV series i've been watching in the last 10 years are in any way over-exaggerated. Yeah ... it's been that long and i guess i have finally found the answer to my curiosity. I understand that the answer we get here today may not apply to everyone in the West in general but i suppose the reality shouldn't be too far off.

This video clip i am about to show you guys was recorded from a Taiwanese talk show. So, where you may have seen the guy being interviewed in the video ? You probably have seen him in a few Taiwanese idol dramas and several Taiwainese talk shows on Astro. His name is Godfrey Tsao. His real Chinese name is 曹志翔 but he is using the stage name 高以翔 in Taiwan. He was born in Taiwan but migrated to Vancouver, Canada when he was 10-year-old. Malaysia is no stranger to him as he used to come to Malaysia a lot when he was young because his mother is a Malaysian. His father on the other hand, is a true Shanghainese, born and bred in the Mainland China (PRC).

Anyway, from what we've seen on tv is that most people in the West first encountered sex when they were still adolescents. So, how true is that ? Find out in the video clip below. The main point is between 0:30 - 1.30. After you've watched the video clip, please click on the "comment" of this post.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Date : 1 September 2010
Flight No : MH637 (**transit in Kuching)
STD : 1000
STA : 1330
Class : Economy
A/C Type : 734

Date : 6 September 2010
Flight No : BR226
STD : 1310
STA : 1745
Flying Hour : 4 hours 35 minutes
Class : Elite Class (Premium Economy)
A/C Type : 77W

Date : 12 September 2010
Flight No : CI501
STD : 0905
STA : 1050
Flying Time : 1 hour 45 minutes
Class : Economy
A/C Type : 744

Date : 18 September 2010
Flight No : CI502
STD : 1205
STA : 1350
Flying Time : 1 hour 45 minutes
Class : Economy
A/C Type : 744

Date : 19 September 2010
Flight No : BR225
STD : 0740
STA : 1200
Flying Time : 4 hours 20 minutes
Class : Elite Class (Premium Economy)
A/C Type : 77W

Date : 20 September 2010
Flight No : MH639 (**transit in Kuching)
STD : 1335
STA : 1715
Class : Economy
A/C : 734

Friday, June 25, 2010

Black and White

This song is best listened to with the volume of your headphone tuned to the absolute maximum. It has a real nice and meaningful lyrics. The name of the song is 《無 賴 正 義》 sung by 趙 又 挺 (Mark Cao) and "Color Band".

It is the main opening theme song for the drama called "Black and White" 《痞 子 英 雄》. I was never a fan of any of the Taiwanese idol drama series as i've always thought they can't act and everything is just so fake but this particular drama is unlike any other Taiwanese idol drama series. As a matter of fact, i don't even think this drama is produced by the same production company which usually uses all the new artists who are mostly better off just focus on their singing career instead of acting.

Anyway, here you go.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

好胜 = 变态

其 實 好 勝 跟 本 就 是 一 種 心 理 疾 病。好 聽 點 嘛 就 叫 著 心 病。直 接 點 嘛 叫 著 變 態。

這 麽 多 位 好 友 之 中,沒 一 個 是 不 好 勝 的。那 當 然 我 承 認,我 也 不 例 外。什 麽 樣 的 人 就 跟 什 麽 樣 的 人 混 在 一 塊 兒。

好 勝 使 一 個 人 變 得 恐 怖。好 勝 的 行 爲 往 往 把 一 個 人 變 得 不 擇 手 段。爲 了 更 上 一 層 樓,什 麽 都 做 得 出 來,甚 至 連 親 情 也 沒 得 談。人 變 得 越 來 越 沒 體 育 精 神,總 是 怕 輸,甚 至 可 抹 黑 事 實,出 賣 友 情。

我 們 擺 脫 得 了 好 勝 的 行 爲 嗎 ?老 實 說,這 不 太 可 能 了。畢 竟 大 家 都 長 大 了,人 越 老 越 愛 臉。加 上 世 界 沒 往 年 那 麽 平 凡,思 想 沒 當 初 那 麽 單 純,環 境 也 不 允 許 。我 們 離 開 童 年 實 在 太 久 了。

您 成 年 的 生 活 過 得 如 何 ?您 可 還 認 識 您 自 己 嗎 ?不 覺 得 這 世 界 很 虛 僞 嗎 ?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Migrating Soon

Yes. I'll be migrating soon. And just so we're clear, i am talking about my blog.

I opened up another new blog approximately one and a half months ago. I've been trying out a few new layouts and background designs and still have not come across anything i fancy. Since i am no expert, it is going to take some time before the actual migration takes place. So, until everything is up and running, the new blog shall remain off-limits to the public.

Anyway, i just want to give you guys a heads up ... and also i because i want to trick you guys into believing that i'll be migrating to a new country soon when you guys see the post title ... haha !