Monday, August 24, 2009

It Was a Beautiful Event

The 2008 Summer Olympics officially came to an end today a year ago. I was glued to the tv almost the entire day. I watched mostly swimming and gymnastics and a little bit of athletics.

Was rooting for team USA and team Australia. Yeah right ! NO MALAYSIA ! There is no fun if i were to root for team Malaysia because i'll be so lonely ... cheering like a moron for a team that practically has no chance to shine in any sport event. Alright, maybe except badminton but i am over the badminton-phase. Swimming is my newfound love since Athens 2004. LOL ! It is such adrenaline rush sporting event. It starts so quickly and ends just as quick. We'll get to know the results in no time. Congrats to Michael Phelps, the greatest Olympian of all time who competed in 8 different events and won gold for all last year. And not to forget my my favorites Aussie pairs (no longer together) Eamon Sullivan and Stephanie Rice. You guys rock !!!!

Some good memories from last year :

The fastest man on earth, Micheal Phelps. An inspiration to many young swimmers.

Michael Phelps

Stephanie Rice. The best 2008 Summer Olympian from down under. Picture taken back home in Australia. She won 3 Golds last year.

Stephanie Rice in her endorsed underwear, Davenport.

Stephanie Rice in a Davenport signing campaign

Stephanie Rice and her fellow 400m relay teammates

Stephanie Rice & Eamon Sullivan

Eamon Sullivan & Stephanie Rice

Eamon Sullivan. He took 2 Silvers and 1 Bronze home last year.

Eamon Sullivan and his 400m relay teammates

Eamon Sullivan and Micheal Phelps in the very last medal ceremony for the swimming event last year

And by the way, well done Astro. It was the best live telecast for Olympic games, ever ! Astro had 12 channels dedicated for the 2008 Summer Olympics last year. Unlike the 2004 Olympics in Athens, which then Astro had 6 or 7 channels only. I managed to watch my favorite sports in real-time. Astro also showed the entire medal ceremony too which is also my favorite part of the Olympics. The Beijing Olympics had good medal ceremony music titled : "茉 莉 花".

Below is the Beijing 2008 Olympics medal ceremony song. A very good modernized traditional Chinese music.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The End's Not Near, It's Here

It's time to let go everything we used to know ...

life has its ups and downs ...

So what ?

Life goes on ...

Stop whining ...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do Not Be Fooled By Air Asia

Many seem to have the perception that air carriers such as Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways International are bloody expensive while Air Asia is just cheap, cheap, cheap. If you are one such person then you are one ignorant idiot. I don't feel sorry at all by calling you an idiot because you really are.

For the budget-conscious traveler, most do not bother to check out the air fares on the full service carriers such as Malaysia Airlines when booking a ticket. Many simply logon to and book whatever air tickets they see right away.

Anyways, i got a call from a friend last week. A group of people are planning a trip overseas later this year and they are asking me to come along. Among the suggested destinations are Melbourne, Perth, Tianjin, Hangzhou and Taipei. Most of them are in favored of Chinese cities as costs are considerable lower than Aussie cities. They told me just how cheap Air Asia X is. Which is why all the suggested destinations are actually cities that Air Asia X fly to because they plan to go there on Tony Fernandes' so-called no-frills ultra-cheap airline.

I wasn't really interested as i got a plan all lined up for later this year but decided to check the air fare to certain cities anyway.

I decided to do a dummy booking to Taipei from Kuala Lumpur in November and guess what ? China Airlines is actually cheaper. The fare quoted by China Airlines for 3 passengers is only RM2031 (tax and surcharge included). Air Asia on the other hand, turned out to be RM2214 (inclusive of applicable tax and surcharge) for 3 people. And bear in mind that for the Air Asia X ticket, the fare quoted consists of only a plane ticket. If you want a meal, to watch a movie or to check-in your luggage, you will have to pay no less than RM40 extra per person.

So the bottom line is that you should do your homework before buying something. Be a smart consumer. Do not simply fall into some fancy ads you saw.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dino Went to "Potong" to Open an Account at Bank Islam

Below is the story of Dino (someone else pretending to be him in the video clip), a friend of mine who "potong" before he went to Bank Islam to open his first ever Syariah compliant savings account.

The video clips are available with Chinese subtitles and Malay subtitles.

With Chinese subtitles

With Malay subtitles

Sunday, August 16, 2009

No Talented Web Designer in Malaysia ?

Is there really no talented web designer in Malaysia ? Why is most of the Malaysian webpages are so user unfriendly and look very unprofessional.

One such example is Public Bank Malaysia website. Below is the snapshot of Public Bank corporate webpage.

What i find very ironic is that the Public Bank Hong Kong website, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Group Malaysia has a much more organized and user friendly website. I mean come on, why is the wholly-owned subsidiary has a better website ?

By the way, the layout of Public Bank Hong Kong website also has a more clutter-free feel. Below is the snapshot of Public Bank Hong Kong website. Alternatively, you can click the link (Public Bank Hong Kong written in blue) and judge yourself.

By the way, the Public Bank Hong Kong webpage is designed by a Hongkie web designer.

Friday, August 14, 2009

我回信了 !!!!

Received a questionnaires from Ah Lai yesterday. The purpose of the questionnaires is so that you will understand your friends better, in order for us to be better friends.

The title of the email is : “回 我 回 我 啦”. 你 大 可 放 心。 我 一 定 会 回 信 的。 无 论 有 多 忙 都 会 回 信。 只 是 有 时 候 会 迟 一 点。 但 是 我 可 以 向 你 保 证 一 定 会 回 信。 因 为 这 是 礼 貌! 可 惜 呀! 很 多 人 似 乎 不 懂 得 这 一 点。 没 用! 失 败!

你 的 名 字 : 嘉 成

外 号 : 成, 成 成, 阿 成

现 在 几 点 : 12.30am

你 现 在 在 听 什 么 歌 : Zero Gravity - David Archuletta

在 回 答 这 封 信 前 你 吃 过 什 么 : 芒 果 布 丁

在 你 回 答 这 封 信 前 你 在 做 什 么 : Checking emails

你 现 在 在 哪 里 :

现 在 的 天 气 如 何 : 超 热 的, 我 看 我 得 全 裸 了, 哈 哈

上 一 次 吹 蜡 烛 的 数 目 : 没 记 错 的 话 是 三 吧 。。。

你 们 家 养 过 什 么 动 物 : 小 狗, 小 鸟

有 写 部 落 格 吗 : 有。 看 到 有 趣 的 事, 无 聊 的 时 候, 或 是 有 灵 感 时 就 会 写

星 座 : 狮 子 座 (打 狗 可 要 看 清 楚 主 人 是 什 么 来 头, 小 心 把 自 个 大 便 当 面 膜)

你 有 纹 身 吗 : 没 有。 没 "class" 的 人 才 纹 身

目 前 有 男/女 朋 友 吗 : 没 有。 有 一 天 吧 。。。 我 还 年 轻。 我 可 不 赶 着 要。 单 身 汉 的 生 活 我 过 得 蛮 舒 服 的。 自 由 自 在。

想 要 有 男 女 朋 友 照 顾 吗 : 由 我 来 照 顾 她 就 行 了

认 为 自 己 花 心 吗 : 肯定。 总 认 为 自 己 不 够 定 性。 一 时 要 这 个, 一 时 要 那 个。

喜 欢 的 人 的 类 型 :
- 独 立
- 成 熟
- 长 发
- 高 的 女 生 但 不 可 比 我 高 (170cm 最佳)
- 理 智 的 人
- 不 可 比 我 有 钱 (哈哈哈)

喝 醉 的 糗 事 : 出 了 一 身 的 酒 沫

曾 经 出 过 车 祸 吗 : 有。 俊 贤 和 家 怡 (嘉 仪) 也 在 车 内

喜 欢 目 前 的 生 活 吗 : 不 喜 欢

不 爱 吃 的 东 西 : 一 时 想 不 起

喜 欢 吃 的 东 西 : 太 多 了。。。 超 爱 吃 泰 国 餐, 中 东 式 炒 饭, 日 本 料 理, 中 餐 西 餐 都 很 喜 欢

喜 喝 吃 什 么 : 柠 檬 冰

最 喜 欢 的 数 字 : 1

最 喜 欢 的 电 影 : 满 喜 欢 The Cronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian

喜 欢 看 哪 一 种 电 影 类 型 : 什 么 都 喜 欢。 像 是 Atonement 和 Rendition 那 类 型 的 电 影 满 有 意 思 的。

喜 欢 的 漫 画 人 物 : How do you say i am over that phase in Chinese ? Anyway, if i'll have to pick one i will no doubt say 叮 当。 应 为 叮 当 可 是 陪 着 我 长 大 的。 小 时 候 超 爱 叮 当

喜 欢 的 品 牌 : GAP, Esprit, Pierre Cardin, Calvin Klein, Renoma Up T-shirt, Bontton, Edwin Jeans (they make the best straight cut jeans in the world)

最 怀 念 的 日 子 : 2000年

最 伤 心 的 经 验 : 中 三 会 考 成 绩 不 理 想, 打 击 很 大。 过 后 就 不 是 太 在 乎 了。 因 为 多 痛 都 不 如 第 一 次 来 的 痛

最 喜 欢 星 期 几 : 星 期 五

最 喜 欢 的 季 节 : 我 想 冬 天 肯 定 很 不 错

最 喜 欢 的 花 : 不 知 道。 觉 得 orchid 和 sunflower 满 不 错 的

最 喜 欢 的 运 动 : 小 时 候 喜 欢 打 羽 毛 球, 很 久 没 运 动 了。 所 以 也 没 什 么 喜 欢 的 运 动。 但 有 机 会 真 想 学 游 泳

最 怕 什 么 : 一 时 想 不 起

如 果 有 来 世 : 要 同 样 的 父 母, 我 也 是 个 独 生 子

最 讨 厌 的 事 : 被 人 诬 赖

最 喜 欢 的 事 : 阅 读 杂 志, 看 电 视, 度 假, 投 资, 和 朋 友 出 去 喝 茶

专 长 的 事 : 有 关 航 空 公 司, 银 行 的 事 我 都 知 道 (哈哈哈)

梦 想 职 业 : 投 资 银 行 家 (Reputable Swiss bank > UBS or Credit Suisse will hire me. LOL ! Or may be i'll be the life saver of the near collapse Citibank. LOL !)

你 们 家 住 几 楼 : 一 楼 二 楼

觉 得 自 己 十 年 后 会 在 哪 里 : 肯 定 不 在 马 来 西 亚

无 聊 的 时 候 你 大 多 会 做 些 什 么 : 看 电 视 或 睡 觉

目 前 最 恼 人 的 事 : 太 多 了

希 望 的 事 : 能 快 点 去 找 Patricia Woo

觉 得 同 性 恋 如 何 : 觉 得 很 WT@#$%, 但 不 会 排 坼 他们/她们。 人 缘 好 的 话, 大 家 可 交 个 朋 友

那 你 会 同 性 恋 吗 : 只 喜 欢 正 常 女 生

如 果 有 人 误 会 你 : 算 了!

想过要怎么对付你讨厌的人吗 : 用 不 得 我 操 心, 天 会 收 他

通 常 几 点 上 床 睡 觉 : 1am - 2am

你 现 在 最 想 见 的 人 : Patricia Woo

你 想 在 几 岁 结 婚 : 35岁 - 38岁 期 间

有 想 过 自 杀 吗 : 没 有

对 这 封 信 的 感 想 : 没 有

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Free Vouchers

Ever wondered why i always use a plastic to pay for almost everything ? CASH BACK. CASH BACK is the reason why i always insist on using a plastic to pay for stuff (whenever plastic is accepted).

We only started using plastics February last year and we have redeemed a RM1000 worth of vouchers from Maybank, CIMB Bank and American Express to date. American Express is by far the best plastic available in Malaysia. It gives 2 membership rewards point for every RM1 charged to the card. So basically, that is equal to 1% cash back for every Ringgit.

VISA and Mastercard give only 1 point for RM1 charged (exclude petrol transaction). So that is about 0.5% cash back for every Ringgit. Not competitive at all compared to AMEX but it's better than nothing. Besides, only big stores will accept AMEX as AMEX charges a higher merchant fee compared to VISA and Mastercard. So it is recommended that one also has a VISA or Mastercard as a backup card.

So far we have got :
  • 15x RM20 Jaya Jusco vouchers from Maybank
  • 6x RM50 Guardian vouchers from CIMB Bank
  • RM400 instant cash rebate for our American Express charge card bill

We're still in recession. Be a smart consumer. Never pay for any credit card's annual fee. Only idiots will still be paying for credit card's annual fee as the competition in the credit card segment is so intense that the annual fee can now be easily waived. Think it this way. You get no extra if you always use cash. But it's a whole different story if you use a plastic. Make the freaking rich bank subsidise your expenses !!!! However, do not spend beyond your means. You do not want to be buried alive by mounting credit card debt !!!! Spend wisely.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What's in My Wallet (as of August 2009)

I stumbled across several blogs about "what's in my wallet" earlier today. They actually took pictures of their wallets, went through and detailed everything that they carry around with them. It sounded like an interesting exercise to compare wallets, so i thought i'd give it a shot, too.

Below is the picture of my wallet. Nothing special. A brown "Lumberjack" wallet. Bought it at Jaya Jusco Mid Valley Megamall during a sales few months back. Been using it around three months only yet it is already looking like an old wallet. Paid RM56.90 for this wallet, after a 30% or 40% discount.

A view of my wallet from another angle

Inside Pocket Left (behind credit card slots) :
  • Malaysian Identification Card - MyKad
  • Malaysian Driving License

Inside Pocket Right (behind credit card slots) :
  • Times Bookstore Privilege Card
  • ISETAN of Japan Department Store Members Card
  • Jaya Jusco J Card

Right Side Credit Card Slots :
  • American Express Green Charge Card
  • An old picture of me - taken in year 2000

Left Side Credit Card Slots :
  • HSBC ATM Card
  • Public Bank ATM-cum-VISA Debit Card

Inside Money Slots :
  • 2x RM10 of McDonald vouchers
  • 3x RM1 bill
  • 1x RM10 bill
  • 1x RM50 bill
  • 1x RM100 bill
  • 1x UD$1 bill
I do not usually bring that much money in my wallet. Usually only RM50+-. We are in the era where plastic rules ! Go to USA and you'll see people trying to use debit card/credit card/charge card whenever possible, even just for a US$2 worth of soft drink. But ever since my mom cancelled my CIMB Bank Mastercard, i have to rely heavily back on cash again. I still have my American Express Green Charge Card but not many places accept American Express. I normally only use it when i go to KL and to pump petrol. It's a good card really. It provides good rewards and fantastic cash rebates. American Express also gives you 2 points for every Ringgit charged to the card when you swipe the card at the petrol kiosk. VISA and Mastercard do not give you anything for petrol transaction.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Are You Wearing Your Suit Right ?

A good tailor goes a long way in helping you build a well-cut suit from the ground up or make exact alterations to an off-the-rack one. However, if you want to wear a suit with Obama-like precision, pay attention to these crucial details.

Whether you prefer skinny or regular ties, the knot is key. A well-balanced knot is a gentlemanly fourin-hand with a single dimple. The tip of the tie should reach the middle of your belt buckle.

Your shirt serves as a backdrop for your tie and cufflinks. A jacket worn over the combo turns the collar and cuff into a “frame”. The collar of your shirt peeks out and so should your cuff, by at least a centimetre.

The belt is too small if the tip struggles to make it to the first loop of your pants when you buckle it; it’s also too big if you need to have more holes punched. Find a belt that buckles at the third hole and goes through the first belt loop, but stops shy of the second one.

The hem of straight-leg pants should just fall at the top of your shoes and cover your socks. For roomier pants, the hem should reach the point where the heel of your shoe meets the upper – about 2.5cm from the ground. Ask your tailor to give you a toe-to-heel break.

Fashion experts believe that men look better without their jackets flapping around. But it doesn’t mean you have to keep all your buttons fastened. Follow these guidelines: keep single-button suits buttoned, keep only the top button of a two-button suit fastened and for three-button suits, always fasten the middle one and never button the lowest one (the top button is optional).

**Article extracted from a Singaporean Magazine.